Reports and Publications

Monthly Reports (pdf)

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024







February 2024

January 2024

December 2023prayer

November 2023

October 2023

September 2023

August 2023

July 2023

June 2023

Scientific Reports (pdf)

ARL SC 96-1 Geology and Hydrology of the Aammiq Wetlands Region

ARL SC 98-2 The Aammiq Marsh 1998 Autumn Bird Survey

ARL SC 99-2 Freshwater Fauna of Aammiq Marsh and neighbouring ditches

ARL SC 99-3 An Environmental Survey of Ras el Ain Wadi, Qabb Elias

ARL SC 00-1 Aammiq Marsh breeding bird survey 5th and 9th May 2000

ARL SC 01-4 Plant species of the marsh and mountain

ARL SC 01-5 Habitat Requirements of the Pale Rock Sparrow

ARL SC 01-6 Report on Habitat Selection by Breeding Pale Rock Sparrows (Carpospiza brachydactyla) on the Barouk Ridge of the Lebanon Mountains in 2001

ARL SC 03-1 International Waterbird Census Report for Lebanon 2000-2003

ARL SC 03-3 The Aammiq Bird Census Report (Oct 99-Aug 2002)

ARL SC 03-4 Ringing Report for 2001-2002

ARL SC 03-5 Small Mammal Survey Report (Dec 2001-Mar 2002)

ARL SC 03-6 Aquatic invertebrate studies at Aammiq Marsh, 2002-2003

ARl SC 03-7 Hydrological studies at Aammiq Marsh 2002-2003

ARL SC 03-8 Some further thoughts on the geology of the Aammiq Wetland

ARL SC 04-1 Aammiq conceptual hydrogeology

ARL SC 04-3 Skaff Estate Breeding Bird Survey 2004

ARL SC 04-4 Amphibian Research Mission, Aammiq Area, April 2004

ARL SC 04-5 The hydrology and hydrogeology of Aammiq Marsh 2004

ARL SC 04-6 Assessing Groundwater and Surface Water Flows through Aammiq Wetland – IUCN Document

ARL SC 05-2 Second Amphibian Research Mission, Aammiq Area, April 2004

ARL SC 05-3 Report on Roosting Harrier Project at Aammiq

ARL SC 06-1 Monitoring Pilot Study

ARL SC 06-4 Interim Report to the MAVA board on the Identification and Conservation of New IBAs

ARL SC 07-1 Aquatic invertebrate diversity and distribution at Aammiq Marsh Lebanon

ARL SC 07-2 Interim Report to the MAVA board on the Identification and Conservation of New IBA in Lebanon Project Year 2

ARL SC 07-3 Jabal Moussa Important Bird Area studies preliminary results

ARL SC 08-1 Final Report to the MAVA board on the Identification and Conservation of New IBA in Lebanon Project – March 2005 – February 2008

ARL SC 08-4 – Jabal Moussa Report – A study into the importance of Jabal Moussa for birds in Lebanon

ARL SC 09-1 – Testate amoebae analysis from the Aamiq Wetland, Lebanon





Mowing Solutions for No-Drill Gardening 28 January 2024
On Wildfires 20 August 2023
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