Rapports scientifiques

Une série de nos publications sont disponibles ci-dessous au format PDF et en anglais.

ARL SC 96-1 Geology and Hydrology of the Aammiq Wetlands Region

ARL SC 98-2 The Aammiq Marsh 1998 Autumn Bird Survey

ARL SC 99-2 Freshwater Fauna of Aammiq Marsh and neighbouring ditches

ARL SC 99-3 An Environmental Survey of Ras el Ain Wadi, Qabb Elias

ARL SC 00-1 Aammiq Marsh breeding bird survey 5th and 9th May 2000

ARL SC 01-4 Plant species of the marsh and mountain

ARL SC 01-5 Habitat Requirements of the Pale Rock Sparrow

ARL SC 01-6 Report on Habitat Selection by Breeding Pale Rock Sparrows (Carpospiza brachydactyla) on the Barouk Ridge of the Lebanon Mountains in 2001

ARL SC 03-1 International Waterbird Census Report for Lebanon 2000-2003

ARL SC 03-3 The Aammiq Bird Census Report (Oct 99-Aug 2002)

ARL SC 03-4 Ringing Report for 2001-2002

ARL SC 03-5 Small Mammal Survey Report (Dec 2001-Mar 2002)

ARL SC 03-6 Aquatic invertebrate studies at Aammiq Marsh, 2002-2003

ARl SC 03-7 Hydrological studies at Aammiq Marsh 2002-2003

ARL SC 03-8 Some further thoughts on the geology of the Aammiq Wetland

ARL SC 04-1 Aammiq conceptual hydrogeology

ARL SC 04-3 Skaff Estate Breeding Bird Survey 2004

ARL SC 04-4 Amphibian Research Mission, Aammiq Area, April 2004

ARL SC 04-5 The hydrology and hydrogeology of Aammiq Marsh 2004

ARL SC 04-6 Assessing Groundwater and Surface Water Flows through Aammiq Wetland – IUCN Document

ARL SC 05-2 Second Amphibian Research Mission, Aammiq Area, April 2004

ARL SC 05-3 Report on Roosting Harrier Project at Aammiq

ARL SC 06-1 Monitoring Pilot Study

ARL SC 06-4 Interim Report to the MAVA board on the Identification and Conservation of New IBAs

ARL SC 07-1 Aquatic invertebrate diversity and distribution at Aammiq Marsh Lebanon

ARL SC 07-2 Interim Report to the MAVA board on the Identification and Conservation of New IBA in Lebanon Project Year 2

ARL SC 07-3 Jabal Moussa Important Bird Area studies preliminary results

ARL SC 08-1 Final Report to the MAVA board on the Identification and Conservation of New IBA in Lebanon Project – March 2005 – February 2008

ARL SC 08-4 – Jabal Moussa Report – A study into the importance of Jabal Moussa for birds in Lebanon

ARL SC 09-1 – Testate amoebae analysis from the Aamiq Wetland, Lebanon


Visite de LifeAgapé Liban à Meksé 17 juin 2022
Forum International A Rocha en France 15 juin 2022
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